Polymer Additive Manufacturing for Niche Automotive Parts Production
Time saving, tool-free solutions for low to mid-volume manufacturing
It’s a known fact that the automotive industry has unique production requirements. Low material costs; high levels of productivity; high levels of production automation; a need for lightweighting; a need for building in sustainability; and no doubt, before long, a need for high levels of mass customisation. Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing for Production) answers so many of these needs. With 3D printing technologies working faster than ever, producing parts in real-world materials, supply chains can be shrunk and production times accelerated. It’s time to take your foot off the clutch and push that accelerator pedal to the metal.
Paragon Rapid Technologies Ltd. runs 4 Carbon M2 printers, and can deliver products in a range of Carbon-created materials. We also run 2 HP MJF printers, delivering parts in the slightly flexible, sustainable PA 11 Nylon, or the rigid, chemical and heat resistant PA 12 Nylon.
For information on our additive manufacturing capabilities, please contact Becky Eskandari via email or on 01325 333 141.